CIRC Advisory Committee

WSU Center for Institutional Research Computing Advisory Committee

If you are interested in providing feedback regarding WSU’s high performance computing initiatives, the Center for Institutional Research Computing [CIRC] holds regular meetings with a campus advisory committee made up of representatives from all invested colleges along with members from Information Technology Services and the Office of Research. The members listed below can bring your feedback and suggestions to the committee for further discussion.

The CIRC Advisory Committee bylaws and current representatives can be found below.

Committee Representatives

*Denotes CIRC Advisory Committee Chair
College of Agricultural, Human, and Natural Resource Science
College of Arts and Sciences
College of Education
College of Veterinary Medicine
  • Scott Bullers – Director of Veterinary Information Systems
  • *Eric Lofgren – Assistant Professor, Paul G. Allen School for Global Animal Health
  • Bert Tanner – Associate Professor, Integrative Physiology and Neuroscience
Information Technology Services
  • Tony Opheim – Vice President & Chief Information Officer
Office of Research
  • Kim Christen – Associate Vice President and Associate Vice Chancellor, Pullman, Office of Research Advancement & Partnerships
Spokane Campus
  • Bryan Valley – Assistant Director of Systems Infrastructure and Support
Voiland College of Engineering and Architecture
  • Jennifer Adam – Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering
  • Tony Burt – Director, IT Systems and Services
  • Arda Gozen – Associate Professor, School of Mechanical and Materials Engineering

Committee Bylaws


To represent faculty and staff interests by advising the Director of the WSU Center for Institutional Research Computing and other WSU administrators regarding developments that are related to WSU research computing (environment, strategic plan, and infrastructure).


The members of the CIRC Advisory Committee will be chosen by the leaders of the administrative units with a significant stake in WSU’s research computing environment, as determined by use of, and investments in, centralized WSU research computing resources.

Members are entitled to attend meetings and contribute to the agenda and discussion. The role of the Committee is advisory and its function is to bring together interested and knowledgeable members of the research computing community in order to advise WSU administrators and to distribute their requests for information to the community at large. Each College or urban campus is entitled to two members, one to represent the research community of the College and one to represent its IT capabilities, but additional members can be added as indicated by their level of involvement. The CIO is entitled to two members and the VPR to one. Members will typically serve for two years, with one of the members of a represented unit being renewed each year.  Members can serve more than one term.  Members can be replaced at any time with the concurrence of their appointing administrator.

Timetable of Operation:

The Committee will meet monthly but can meet more or less often as indicated by the workload. An official roster will be posted by the CIRC Program Coordinator (who serves as the recorder) in October of each year. As needed, the Committee may be asked to consider specific questions via email and opinions will be collected.


The Committee will evaluate and propose options available to the Director and others. It is not fundamentally a decision making body but, when possible, the Committee will try to reach a consensus or at least limit the options under consideration. It is expected that the Committee will be a formal input to the Director but that other communication channels will be available for researchers and IT-related staff to have input.

Duties of officers

The Committee shall have a Chair to convene and run the meetings. If the Committee wishes, a co-chair arrangement is possible and may be desirable given typical faculty travel schedules.

The Chair(s) will circulate an agenda prior to each meeting. Suggestions for agenda items can be sent to the Chair prior to each meeting, along with relevant email attachments that will be circulated to the group. Minutes, agenda and associated information will be sent to the members prior to each meeting.


Specialized subcommittees can be authorized at any time to consider specific topics of interest to the group.  Typically a subcommittee chair will be appointed. When appropriate, subcommittee reports will be circulated to the Committee or to elements of the WSU community with an interest in the problems under consideration.