Requesting Access

How to get access to the Kamiak HPC cluster

The Kamiak high-performance computing (HPC) cluster is available for use in research by all faculty, students, and staff at any of WSU’s campuses, at no cost.

Kamiak user accounts can be requested by going to the Service Requests web page. There you will first need to create an Atlassian account at Kamiak’s Altlassian Service Desk.  This Atlassian account is not related to your WSU account and is only used with Service Desk, not when logging into Kamiak. Once that is done, you can submit a request to create an account under the Help section.

Every user account is associated with a faculty sponsor.  You will need to get approval from a faculty member to sponsor your account.

Once you have access to Kamiak, you can log in from a terminal window using your WSU netid. This will connect you to one of the Kamiak login nodes. From here you can manage your files and submit jobs. You should not run applications or installs on the login nodes. For more information see the Quick Start Guide or the more extensive User’s Guide.

Each user is provided a home folder of 100GB at no cost, and given access to the shared “kamiak” partition that includes all nodes. Each faculty sponsor in addition is provided a lab folder of 500GB at no cost. Users may also take advantage of temporary scratch storage with a 10TB per user limit and two week lifetime of each scratch folder. Additional lab storage can be rented on an annual basis through the CIRC service desk. Compute nodes are also available for purchase, on which the investors are given prioritized access.