Text Editors

Command-Line Editors

The following are the three most commonly used command line editors.


Nano is the easiest to use editor on Kamiak. Use the following command to open a file for editing with nano:
user@host> nano filename


Vim is the improved version of vi with code syntax highlighting and other features useful for programming. This editor has a steep learning curve, but is very efficient.

Use the following command to open a file for editing with vim:
user@host> vim filename


emacs also has code syntax highlighting along with auto-indentation and a whole list of other advanced editing features.

Use the following command to open a file for editing with emacs:
user@host> emacs filename

GUI Editors

There are a number of GUI based editors available across platforms (gedit, notepad++, sublime text 2 just to name a few). The choice of GUI based text editor is a personal one and we offer no opinions on which is best.